Centros de Transplantes no Brasil
23 de novembro de 2016
Dicas aos Parentes e Amigos
23 de novembro de 2016

Banco de Doadores

Registro de doadores de medula óssea e bancos de cordão umbilical no mundo.

Registros de Doadores Voluntários no Mundo

O Registro de doadores de medula óssea e bancos de cordão umbilical existem no mundo todo. Abaixo a lista dos principais:


– DKMS – Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH
Scheidtweilerstr. 63-65
50933 Köln
Tel: 0049-221-940 582 25
Fax:0049-221-940 582 22

-ZKRD – German National Bone Marrow Donor Registry / German Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +49-731-1507-00
Fax: +49-731-1507-50
Dr. C. Mueller
Mrs. T. Kathke-Nieminen
ZKRD – German Registry of Bone Marrow Donors
Helmholtzstrasse 10
D-89081 Ulm
Postfach 4244
D-89032 Ulm

-German Branch of the European Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +49-211-81-19545*
Tel: +49-211-81-18684**
Tel: +49-211-81-18686***
Fax: +49-211-81-19147*
Fax: +49-211-9348435***
E-mail: kmsz@uni-duesseldorf.de
Dr. P. Wernet*
HLA-lab, Dr. G. Koegler**
Registry, Dr. U. Kiesel***
Heinrich-Heine University
Moorenstrasse 5, Building 14.80
Postfach 101007
D-40001 Duesseldorf


-South African Bone Marrow Registry
Tel: +27-21-4046445
Fax: +27-21-4486107
E-mail: edt@anat.uct.ac.za
Professor Ernette du Toit
Laboratory for Tissue Immunology
Falmouth Building, UCT Medical School
Falmouth Road
7925 Observatory
Cape Town
South Africa


-Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry / Australian Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +612-9-229.4464
Fax: +612-9-229.4413
E-mail: aus@abmdr.org.au
Dr. J. Chapman
Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
153 Clarence Street
Sydney, NSW 2000


-Austrian Bone Marrow Donors / Austrian Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +43-1-4037193
Fax: +43-1-4082321
Dr. A. Rosenmayr
Austrian Bone Marrow Donors / Austrian Cord Blood Registry
Florianigasse 38/12 A-1080 Vienna


-Marrow Donor Program Belgium / Belgium Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +32-2-3472804
Fax: +32-2-3470301
Dr. M. Poelman
Edmond Picard Street 16
B-1050 Brussels

-Donor recruitment: Red Cross Belgium
Leuven Cord Blood Bank (Leuvense Navelstrengbloedbank)
Tel: +32-16-346882
Fax: +32-16-346883
Email: leuvencord@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Prof. Dr. M. Boogaerts
Dr. G. Bries
Secretariaat Sofhea
U.Z. Gasthuisberg
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven


-REDOME – Registro Nacional de Doadores de Medula Óssea
Hospital Servidores do Estado / INCA
Rua Sacadura Cabral, nr. 178, Anexo 4 – quarto andar – bairro Saúde
20221-161 Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Tel. (21) 2291-3131 ramais 3318, 3301 e 3579
Tel./ Fax. (21) 2233-9716
Hemorio (21) 2240-2494
Disque Saúde: 0800-61-1997
E-mail: redome@inca.gov.br

-Banco de Dados de Doadores Voluntários de Medula Óssea – UEM
Maringá – Paraná
Tel. (44) 261-4347
Fax (44) 261-4431
Disque Saúde: 0800-61-1997

-Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea
Hospital das Clínicas da UFPR
Rua General Carneiro, 181 – 4. andar – Anexo B
80.069-150 Curitiba – Paraná
Tel. (41) 262-6665 – ramais 226 / 236
Fax (41) 264-5472
Disque Saúde: 0800-61-1997
Email: tmo@hc.ufpr.br

-VidaMax – Registro Latino-Americano de Doadores de Medula Óssea
Centro de Hemoterapia São Lucas / VidaMax
Rua: Itatiara, 153 – Sao Paulo, SP – CEP 01242-020
Telefone: (11) 3824.0139 e 3824.9517
Central de Informações: (11) 3824-0877
Fax (11) 3825.3543 – 3826.7033
Email: hemo.s.lucas@uoal.com.br


Alberta Cord Blood Bank
Room 2-199 Clinical Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G3
Phone: (780) 492-2673
FAX: (780) 492-8704

-Canadian Blood Services Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +1-613-739-2466 *
Fax: +1-613-739-2426 *
Fax: +1-604-879-4255 (for all search correspondence)
E-mail: Beverly.Campbell@bloodservices.ca
Beverly Campbell, Director *
Canadian Blood Services – UBMDR
1800 Alta Vista Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 4J5


-Red Cross Society of China
Dr. Xiaoyang Zhang
Blood Programme Dept.
Tel: +86-10-6512-4447 (102)
Fax: +86-10-6513-9938
53 Ganmian Hutong
100010 Beijing China


-Korean Marrow Donor Program (KMDP)
Yong Shik Chon, Chief Executive Officer
Sang In Kim, M.D., Vice President
Korean Red Cross B/D
#32 Namsan-dong 3ga, Choong-gu
Seoul 100-043, Korea
Tel: +82-2-752-6961
Fax: +82-2-752-9428


-Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +385-1-2332833
Fax: +385-1-2312-684
Prof. A. Kastelan
Croatia-Donor – Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry of Croatia
National Referral Organ Transplantation and Tissue Typing Centre
Kispaticeva 12
HR-10000 Zagreb


-The Cyprus Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +357-2-772700
Fax: +357-2-772888
Dr. Paul A. Costeas
Laboratory Director
The Cyprus Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Savva Rotside Bld 36
P.O. Box 2680
1523 Nicosia

-Cyprus Paraskevaidio Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +357-2-672323
Fax: +357-2-674397
Fax: +357-2-665435
E-mail: laboratory@transplant.com.cy
Mrs. A. Varnavidou-Nicolaidou
4A Char. Mouskos St.
P.O. Box 4307


-The Czech Bone Marrow Donor Registry and The Czech Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +420-2-4721603
Tel: +420-2-4712242
Tel: +420-2-8586736 (home)*
Fax: +420-2-4712242
Fax: +420-2-4721603
E-mail: HLA-Prague@medicon.cz
Dr. E. Ivaskova*
Ing. Libuse Kupkova
HLA Laboratory
Department of Immunology
IKEM, Videnska 800
140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic

-The Czech Central Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +420 19 53 33 00
Fax: +420 19 725 90 72
E-mail: pittrovah@fnplzen.cz
Vladimir Koza MD
Dept. of Hematology and Oncology
Alej Svobody 80
304 60 Plzen
Czech Republic


The Danish Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +45-89-495310
Fax: +45-89-495333
E-mail: dbmdr@inet.uni2.dk
Prof. Lars Fugger
Dept. of Clinical Immunology
The Tissue Typing Laboratory
Skejby Sygehus, Brendstrupgaardsvej
DK-8200 Aarhus N

-Bone Marrow Donors Copenhagen (BMDC)
Tel: +45-35-457631 (Secretariat)
Tel: +45-35-457638 (Coordinator)
Fax: +45-35-398766
E-mail: rh01851@rh.dk
Prof. A. Svejgaard
Bodil K. Jakobsen (Coordinator)
Tissue Typing Laboratory
Dept. of Clinical Immunology, Sect. 7631
National University Hospital (Rigshopitalet)
Tagensvej 20
DK-2200 Copenhagen


REDMO and Spanish Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +34-93-4145566
Fax: +34-93-2010588
E-mail: redmo@fcarreras.es – REDMO Direction and Coordination (Dr. R. Castillo and Mrs. Clara Perez)
spanish.patients@fcarreras.es – Searches for Spanish patients (Mrs. Tina Torello)
foreign.patients@fcarreras.es – Buscas pacientes estrangeiros – Searches for foreign patients (Mrs. Amparo Menendez)
Dr. R. Castillo – Mrs. Clara Perez
International Foundation Jose Carreras
Muntaner 383 – 2o 2a
08021 Barcelona


Finnish Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +358-9-580-1389
Tel: +358-9-580-1298
Fax: +358-9-580-1495
Mrs. J. Veinio (Registry Office)
Dr. J. Partanen (Head of Department)
Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service
Kivihaantie 7
FIN-00310 Helsinki

-Finnish Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +358-9-580-1347
Tel: +358-9-580-1334
Tel: +358-9-580-1548
Fax: +358-9-580-1542
Email: Pia.Westman@bts.redcross.fi
Dr. Riitta Kekomaki, Senior Medical Officer
Dr. Pia Westman, Biologist
Dr. Pekka Aroviita, Medical Officer
Finnish Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service
Division of Blood and Blood Components
Kivihaantie 7
FIN-00310 Helsinki


FGM – France Greffe de Moelle and The French Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +33-1-53 38 87 40 (Secretariat)
Tel: +33-1-53 38 87 40* (Director)
Tel: +33-1-53 38 87 53** (Int. Patients Search Coordinator)
Tel: +33-1-53 38 87 43*** (Int. Patients Transplant Coordinator)
Fax: +33-1-48 03 02 02
E-mail: fgm@emdisf.fgm.fr
Dr. C. Raffoux
M.-Ch. Fabre
L. Ranson
Hopital Saint Louis
Pavillon Lailler
1, Avenue Claude Vellefaux
75475 PARIS Cedex 10


-Athens Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +30-1-6402166
Tel: +30-1-6432220-29 ext. 166
Fax: +30-1-6402149
E-mail: gr1bmdr@hol.gr
Dr. M. Varla-Leftherioti
General District – Maternity Hospital
“Helena Venizelou”
Dept. of Immunobiology
2 Helena Venizelou Square
11521 Athens

-Macedonian Bone Marrow Donors Registry
Tel: +30-31-892056
Tel: +30-31-892156
Fax: +30-31-812957
Dr. Z. Polymenidis
Department of Immunology
Regional Tissue Typing Lab
Hippokration Gen. Hospital of Thessaloniki
50, Papanastassiou Street
54642 Thessaloniki

-NTTC Registry – Greek Placental / Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +30-1-7711914
Fax: +30-1-7774395
Ass. Prof. C. Stavropoulos-Giokas, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. A.E. Germenis, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Immunology and National Tissue Typing Center
General Hospital of Athens “George Gennimatas”
154, Messogion Avenue
GR-11527 Athens


Hawaii Cord Blood Bank
Kapiolani Women and Children’s Hospital
1319 Punahou Street
Honolulu, HI 96826
Phone: (808) 983- BANK (2265)


Europdonor Foundation / Eurocord Netherlands
Tel: +31-71-5268002
Fax: +31-71-5210457
E-mail: Secr@Europdonor.NL
Dr. M. Oudshoorn
Leiden University Medical Centre
Building 1, E4-60
Albinusdreef 2
NL-2333 ZA Leiden
The Netherlands


Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation
Tel: +852-2819-0766
Fax: +852-2817-2134
Dr. Brian Hawkins
Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation
c/o Tissue Typing Laboratory
University of Hong Kong
PO Box 12265
Queen Mary Hospital
Hong Kong, CHINA


Hungarian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +36-1-4667020
Fax: +36-1-4667020
Email: E.Gyodi@OHVI.hu
Dr. E. Gyodi
Dr. K. Rajczy
National Institute of Hematology and Immunology
Department of Immunogenetics
24 Daroczi Street
P.O.B. 424
H-1519 Budapest


Asian Indian Donor-Marrow Registry (AID-MR)
Tel: +91-11-6967588
Tel: +91-11-6594638
Fax: +91-11-6862663
Prof. N.K. Mehra
c/o Department of Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi 110-029


The Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Panel
Tel: +353-1-432-2897
Fax: +353-1-432-2933
Dr. E. Lawlor
The National Tissue Typing Reference Lab.
Blood Transfusion Service Board
Pelican House
40 Mespil Road
Dublin 4


Israelian Donor Bank Registry / Israelian Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +972-2-6415074
Tel: +972-2-6777513
Tel: +972-2-6778353 *
Fax: +972-2-6433165
Fax: +972-2-6422731 *
E-mail: avivi@hadassah.org.il E-mail: nagler@hadassah.org.il
Prof C. Brautbar
Dr. A. Nagler *
Tissue Typing Unit
Hadassah Medical Organization
POB 12000
Jerusalem 91120
Search requests:
Mrs. Ruth Avivi, Donor Coordinator
Correspondence on behalf of Israeli patients:
Tel: +972-2-6778250
Fax: +972-2-6422731
Mrs. Anat Sayag, Search Coordinator
Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation
Hadassah Medical Organization
POB 12000
Jerusalem 91120

-Israel Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Donor Registry (antigo Rabin Bone Marrow Donor Registry)
Tel : +972-3-923-0262
Tel : +972-3-921-6777
Fax : +972-3-921-9654
Fax : +972-3-921-5757
E-mail: BMDR@inter.net.il
Dr. Bracha Zisser, PhD, Chair
Administration & Finance
Oranit-Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Donor Registry
40 Kaplan Str.
49210 Petach Tikvah, Israel
E-mail: bracha_zisser@hotmail.com
Search Requests:
Mrs. Ofra Konikoff
Mrs. Yona Gat
Dr. Isaac Yaniv MD. Medical Director
Director, BMT unit & Hemato-Oncology Department
Rabin Medical Center
Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel
Dr. Tirza Klein, Ph.D. Scientific Director
Director, Tissue Typing Lab
Rabin Medical Center – E-mail: tklein@clalit.org.il
Leeora Freifeldt – Data Management, Patient Advocacy, Donor Recruitment – E-mail: leeora@netvision.net.il


Italian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +39-010-5632340
Tel: +39-010-5632341
Tel: +39-010-5632342
Fax: +39-010-5632544
Prof. M. Barbanti
Dr.ssa N. Sacchi
E.O. Ospedali Galliera
Via Volta 19/2
16128 Genova

-Donor recruitment: ADMO – Associazione Donatori Midollo Osseo
Milan Cord Blood Registry
Match code: Milan CORD [MICB]
Tel: +39-02-55034053
Tel: +39-02-55034055
Fax: +39-02-5458129
Prof. G. Sirchia
Centro Trasfusionale e di Immunologia dei Trapianti
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
Via Francesco Sforza 35
20122 Milan


Japan – Kanagawa Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +81-45-711-2351
Fax: +81-45-716-0066
Dr. Kei Ohnuma, MD
Department of Oncology
Kanagawa Children’s Medical Centre
2-138-4 Mutsukawa, Minami-ku
Yokohama 232

-Japan Marrow Donor Program
Tel: +81-3-3355-5041
Fax: +81-3-3355-5090
Sinichiro Okamoto MD, PhD
International Committee
Japan Marrow Donor Program
Shinjuku IS Bldg., 8th floor
2-13-12, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 160


Department of Immunogenetics, INDRE, SSA
Carpio 470, 1st floor
Mexico D.F.
11340 MEXICO
Tel: +52-5341-4569
Fax: +52-5341-4418
Email: cgorodea@mailer.main.conacyt.mx
Dr. Clara Gorodezky


The Norwegian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +47-2307-3770
Fax: +47-2307-3780
Email: nordonor@rikshospitalet.no
Dr. T. Egeland
The Norwegian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Institute of Immunology
Rikshospitalet, The National Hospital
N-0027 Oslo
Contact Persons:
Torstein Egeland, MD, PhD; Med. Dir.,
Email: torstein.geland@labmed.uio.no , Tel: +47-2307-1379
Irene Andersen, Head Med. Lab. Techn., Email: irene.andersen@rikshospitalet.no, Tel: +47-2307-3772
Susanne H. Strandman Nielsen, Donor and Transplant Coordinator,Email: susanne.strandman.nielsen@rikshospitalet.no, Tel: +47-2307-3770
Unni Jægård, Donor Coordinator, Email: unni.brit.jaegard@rikshospitalet.no, Tel: +47-2307-3771


National Polish Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +48-71-3732316
Tel: +48-71-3621512
Fax: +48-71-3732587
Fax: +48-71-3621512
Prof. A. Lange
National Polish Bone Marrow Donor Registry
K. Diuski Hospital
L. Hirsfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy
Grabiszynska 105
53-439 Wroclaw

-Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Warsaw Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +48-22-646-8579 Fax: +48-22-646-8579 E-mail: szpik@cdit-aids.med.pl
Jacek Nowak, PhD – Head of Registry
Anna Gronkowska, PhD – Search Coordinator
Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry & Cord Blood Bank
Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
Chocimska 5
00-957 Warsaw


Portuguese Bone Marrow Donors Registry
Tel: +351-21-8823530
Fax: +351-21-8850118
Prof. A. Palma Carlos
Dr. M. do Rosario Sancho
Centro de Histocompatibilidade do Sul
Campo de Santana 130
1100 Lisbon


Russian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +7-095-2132476
Fax: +7-095-2124302
Dr. Y. Zaretskaya
Dr. E. Klinova
Russian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Research Center for Hematology
Novozykovsky Lane 4a
125167 Moscow


San Marino Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +39-054-999-4729
Fax: +39-054-999-4749
Dr. Roberto Conte: conte@med.unibo.it
Dr. Ferruccio Casali: avss@omniway.sm
Dr. Ferruccio Casali
Dr. Roberto Conte
Laboratorio Analisi – Centro Trasfusionale
Ospedale di Stato della RSM
Via Scialoja 20
47893 Borgo Maggiore
Republica San Marino


Singapore Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP)
Tel: 874-5049
Tel: 874-3318
Fax: 777-5720
E-mail: micrenec@nus.edu.sg
Dr E. C. Ren
Singapore Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP)
W.H.O. Collaborating Center for Immunology
National University of Singapore
Singapore 119260


Slovak National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (SNBMDR) / Bratislava Placental Stem Cells Registry – Eurocord
Slovakia (BPSCR)
Tel: +421-905-403600
Fax: +421-7-54791066
Dr. Dagmar Holomanova
Dr. Zohdy Hamid
Eurocord Slovakia
Dubravska cesta 9
842 46 Bratislava
Slovak Republic


Slovenia Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +386-1-230-2313
Tel: +386-1-543-8220
Fax: +386-1-431-2304
Email: Lea.Lampret@mf.uni-lj.si
Prof. M. Bohinjec
Slovenia Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tissue Typing Center
Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia
Slajmerjeva 6
SLO-61000 Ljubljana


Tobias Registry of Swedish Bone Marrow Donors
Tel: +46-8-58581381
Tel: +46-8-58581378
Fax: +46-8-7466869
Dr. U. Persson
Department of Clinical Immunology
Huddinge Hospital
S-141 86 Huddinge


Swiss Bone Marrow Donor Registry / Swiss Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +41-31-344-1440
Fax: +41-31-332-5991
Wankdorfstrasse 10
3000 Bern 22
Margrit Kern, Managing Director (+41-31-344-1440)
Gaby Baillif, Data-Manager (+41-31-344-1412)
Irene Wenger, Administration (+41-31-344-1619)


Tzu Chi Taiwan Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: 886-3-8561825, ext. 3216
Fax: 886-3-8574324
Email: tcmdr@tzuchi.org.tw
Tsung Dao Lee, Ph.D
703 3rd Section, Chung Yan Rd
Taiwan R.O.C.


Bone Marrow Bank of Istanbul Medical Faculty
Prof.dr. M. Carin – Director mcarin@istanbul.edu.tr
Dr. A. Sarper Diler – Transplant coordinator, Contact person dileras@istanbul.edu.tr
Dr. Fatma S. Oguz – Transplant coordinator ( oguzsf@istanbul.edu.tr
Dr. Ugur Akar – Transplant coordinator ( ugurakar@istanbul.edu.tr
Department of Medical Biology
Istanbul University
34390 Istanbul
Tel: +90-212-635-1168
Fax: +90-212-532-4652
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
Prof.dr. Meral Beksaç MD ( mbeksac@ato.org.tr)
Klara Dalva MD PhD idalva@ato.org.tr
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Hematology
Blood and Marrow Transplantation Unit
Tissue Typing Laboratories
Ibni Sina Hospital
Sihhiye 06100
Tel: +90-312-310-3333 / 2136
Fax: +90-312-311-5474


-Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust
Tel: +44-207-284-1234
Fax: +44-207-284-8226
Mrs. S. Cleaver
The Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street, Hampstead
London NW3 2QG
United Kingdom

-Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Tel: +44-1443-622177
Fax: +44-1443-622176
E-mail: wbmdr@wbmdr.demon.co.uk
Dr. C. Darke
Regional Tissue Typing Laboratory
Welsh Blood Service
Ely Valley Road, Talbot Green
CF72 9WB, Pontyclun
United Kingdom

-British Bone Marrow Registry
Tel.: +44-117-991-2068
Tel.: +44-117-991-2069
Tel.: +44-1865-44-7931 *
Fax: +44-117-991-2070
Fax: +44-117-991-2002
Dr. T. Turvey *
Peter Heard
British Bone Marrow Registry
NBS-Midlands & South West Zone
Bristol Centre
Southmead Road
BS10 5ND, Bristol United Kingdom


-American Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Marrow donor information, registration, and regional donor center locations
The Search Coordinating Center of the American Bone Marrow Donor Registry is the Caitlin Raymond
International Registry – see below.
Central Office:
Tel: +1-800-745-2452 (USA & CANADA)
Tel: +1-504-626-1749
Fax: +1-504-626-7414
E-mail: jakardna@neosoft.com
American Red Cross Cord Blood Program Tel: +1-781-461-2145
Fax: +1-781-461-2269
Email: AloscoSh@USA.RedCross.org
Sharon Alosco

-American Red Cross Cord Blood Program
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
Caitlin Raymond International Registry
Tel: +1-508-334-8969
Fax: +1-508-334-8972 Email: info@crir.org
The University of Massachusetts Medical Center
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655
Primary contacts:
Joanne Raymond, Executive Director ( crir@tiac.net
Thomas Wiegand, Director of Patient Services ( info@crir.org
Peter Newburger, M.D., Medical Director ( c@umassmed.edu
Marie Claude Badonnel, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor ( marieclaude.badonnel@umassmed.edued.edu😉
Rebecca Schorr, Data Manager ( rscrir@aol.com
The Caitlin Raymond International Registry has established a collaborative effort with the Donor Registry of
Brazil, located in Curitiba. Donor requests / searches will be handled by the Caitlin Raymond International Registry.
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation
PO Box 6429
Delray Beach, FL 33482
Registry Services:
Contact: Jay Feinberg
Tel: +1-561-638-8876
Fax: +1-954-252-3956
Email addresses:
Recruitement development: snowbirds@HLAMatch.org
Search coordination: search@HLAMatch.org
Patient Advocacy / Family Studies:
Contact: Rochelle Sislen
Tel: +1-973-564-9488
Fax: +1-973-564-9488
Email: rksislen@HLAMatch.org homesearch@HLAMatch.org search@HLAMatch.org
Medical professionals can perform preliminary searches without charge by visiting the registry’s website at:
http://www.hlamatch.org. The donor file is composed primarily of volunteers of Jewish ethnic ancestry (Ashkenazi).

-National Marrow Donor Program(NMDP)
Contact person for professionals only:
Tel: +1-612-6275801
Fax: +1-612-6275810
Mrs. Th. Radde-Stepaniak
National Marrow Donor Program
3433 Broadway Street NE – Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55413-1762
Donors and prospective donors, to contact the NMDP: Call 1-800-MARROW-2 or Use the NMDP Contact Form at the NMDP website
New York Cord Blood Registry
Tel: +1-212-5703230
Fax: +1-212-5703393
E-mail: prubins@nybc.org
Dr. P. Rubinstein
The Fred H. Allen Laboratory of Immunogenetics

-The New York Blood Center
310 East 67th Street
New York, NY 10021
St. Louis Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +1-314-268-2787
Fax: +1-314-268-4081
Donna Wall, Director
The St. Louis Cord Blood Bank
3662 Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

-University of Colorado Cord Blood Bank
Tel: +1-303-372-8398
Fax: +1-303-372-7570
Contact persons:
Director: Elizabeth J. Shpall MD
Administrative contact: Judith King-Stolz
University of Colorado Health Science Center
Bone Marrow Transplant Program
Cord Blood Bank
4200 East Ninth Avenue, B190
Denver, CO 80262

-UCLA Umbilical Cord Blood Bank
University of California – Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (310) 206-2133
Ashley Ross Cord Blood Program of the San Diego Blood Bank
440 Upas Street, PO Box 639003
San Diego, CA 92103-4900 – Califónia
Phone: (619) 296-6393 ext. 161
Bonfils Cord Blood Services
Belle Bonfils Memorial Blood Center
717 Yosemite Circle
Denver, CO 80230 – Colorado
Phone: (303) 363-2350 or (800) 619-1099

-University of Colorado Cord Blood Bank
Denver, CO
Phone: (303) 372-2673
1221 NW 13th Street
Gainesville, FL 32601 – Florida
Phone: (352) 334-1083
Cryobanks International
Orlando, FL
Phone: (800) 869-8608 or (407) 834-8333
Institute for Transfusion Medicine Cord Blood Services
(Chicago Community Cord Blood Bank) LifeSource
1205 North Milwaukee Avenue
Glenview, IL 60025 Illinois
Phone: (847) 803-7962

-American Red Cross Cord Blood Program
UMASS Memorial Health Care – University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North, Room HB – 705
Worcester, MA 01655-0246 Massachusetts
Phone: (508) 334-2753

-Michigan Community Blood Centers Cord Blood Bank
1036 Fuller Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI – Michigan
Phone: (800) 837-0648 or (616) 242-9342

-St. Louis Cord Blood Bank
3662 Park Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110 Missouri
Phone: (314) 268-2787 or (888) 453-2673
Community Blood Services
Bergen Community Regional Blood Center
Cord Blood Stem Cell Program
970 Linwood Ave West
Paramus, NJ 07653 New Jersey
Phone: (201) 251-3965

-Mount Sinai Medical Center Cord Blood Program
Blood Bank & Cord Blood Program
One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1024
New York, NY 10029-6574 New York
Phone: (212) 241-8359

-Placental Blood Program of the New York Blood Center
310 East 67th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 570-3097

-Carolinas Cord Blood Bank
Duke University Medical Center
Box 3350
Durham, NC North Carolina
Phone: (919) 668-1100
Ross Cord Blood Bank

-American Red Cross Central Ohio Region
995 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43205 Ohio
Phone: (614) 293-7595
Puget Sound Blood Center – Cord Blood Program
921 Terry Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104-1256 Washington
Phone: (206) 292-1896
Georgetown University Medical Center
Cord Blood Bank
Washington, DC Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 784-5433